What to Expect

If you accept our invitation to come and see, what can you expect to see?  Our hope is friendly people!  Our invitation carries with it an expectation that you will “come as you are.”  There is no dress code in our church.

Worship itself is structured and contains within it an element of congregational participation.  We include hymn singing and responses of those in the pews to the words of the worship leaders. 

Holy communion is celebrated each week.  Our communion table is open to all who are baptized.  Children are welcome to come to communion if they have been communing in a prior congregation.  If you have no prior congregation and your child has not yet communed, we suggest that your child take a first communion class where their first time at the Lord’s Table can be lifted up, celebrated, and enjoyed by the whole congregation!

We offer opportunities for all people to participate in worship leadership.  That means our younger members, too!  The 2nd Sunday of the month is Youth Sunday and our youth are given opportunities to serve in worship according to their abilities.  Such service includes reading the lessons, greeting worshippers as they enter the building, taking up the offering, and playing music!

Our church is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).  For more information about the ELCA, go to www.elca.org.

What should you expect to see in our church?  A friendly group of followers of Jesus who are very happy to have you present!  May God bless you!  We hope to see you soon!


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